Category: Gains

We’re not into lessons and tutorials when we say we want to help you with creating more gains (vs losses) at Fang Engine. Rather, we want to encourage critical thinking sills when faced with making decisions in your life (e.g. financial, health, education, etc).

We firmly believe that the better your thinking skills, the more likely you are to more carefully consider choices that might result in a net loss vs net gain situation for yourself. Of course, we would all love to have 100% net gains on everything we try to accomplish in life! I know I would! Heck, I think I’d settle for an 80% accuracy/gain rate haha!

At any rate, we hope you will stick around the site and take in the information we post from now on. Not only do we hope to inform and educate, but also cause you to ponder and consider ideas and activities prior to committing to them. Thanks for stopping by, and we hope you will return again soon.